December 03, 2024, 12:54:04 PM

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Messages - AllyRayne16

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself! (For New Members)
« on: December 15, 2022, 07:54:39 PM »
Heya Everyone,

My name is Ally or Allyson. Whichever is fine by me! So, I grew up with the WeatherStar 4000, then we got the WeatherStar XL in the Spring of 2001. I used to live near Binghamton NY and lived through the Tornado that hit around Binghamton NY in 1998 a day before my second birthday. However, I now call Oregon home and I absolutely love every minute of it. I also have my skywarn storm spotter ID and I couldn't be happier.

Hope everyone has an amazing holiday season!!!

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