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Messages - bumwolf

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TWC and your Cable Company / Re: DirecTV Dropping TWC
« on: January 14, 2014, 01:58:04 AM »
Interesting note on 3 hour loops.  I remember several years back when the weather channel would go on an hourly repeating loop replaying the midnight hour over and over again till weather classroom came on at 3. Thankfully we still had all the real local on the 8s back then so still got updated weather. 

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: DirecTV Dropping TWC
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:47:15 AM »
You know we were talking earlier about TWC going live and preempting their long-form.  Didn't they pull the same stunt too when Dish tried to drop them a few years ago?  Never seen that much live TWC outside of Katrina in years. 

Everything Else TWC / Re: Has TWC lost its way?
« on: June 07, 2010, 03:52:03 AM »
Not just the weather channel.  Most stations if it's the weekend they couldn't give a flip.  We had a tornado outbreak here a few weeks back.  The local news station barely would break in because of the Kentucky Derby coverage.  When college football is going on we are lucky to get a crawl across a part of the screen.  Fortunately the weather channel was giving coverage that afternoon so I was able to see a radar.  Folks who live out in the sticks or on fringe of viewing areas rely on Satellite for coverage and TWC.  At least around here internet and cell coverage is spotty at best.  TWC.com isn't 56k friendly these days.  NOAA weather radio is no replacement for a live look at a Radar.

Another note if a tornado outbreak is going on.  No matter what part of the country I want to see it.  The so called 24/5 news channels aren't going to cover it.  Unless a major politician or celebrity get caught up in it of course.  Lord help us is Britney Spears gets sent to the land of OZ touring Kansas one summer.  Cable/Satellite bills go up quality of programs go down.  This dead horse is officially beaten.

I was wondering that too.  It'll probably pop back on when TWC and Dish get their program up and running.  Hopefully before Heavy Hurricane season I can just see an cat 5 hitting the coast this summer and nobody can see it because of flick and a forecast.  Meteorologists getting blown down the street by a huge wind gust live is far more entertaining than a 10 year old movie. 

Guess Dish got my complaint e-mail.  I hate to see them go.  But it is a nice gesture to give us an alternative when Weather Channel wants to pretend to be Discovery or a movie network.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: May 01, 2010, 01:31:19 AM »
Yeah your right there.  Though if it's not local they'll give a blurb on the news and after the local news is over with or at least the forecast.  I'll turn over to the weather channel and get the full story.  At least I used too.  I'm telling you with all the channels not sticking to their original formats like TWC. It's really making me thinking about ditching cable/dish and just going all internet and investing in an antenna for the local channels.  If I want to watch movies I got netflix for that.  I pay to see weather on TWC not movies.  Got 50 other channels for that crap.  Thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this severe weather.  Just wish some money grubbing executives at TWC/NBC thought the same.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: May 01, 2010, 01:02:27 AM »
Yeah I get home hear on the local news of a tornado outbreak tune into the weather channel to see what's going on and there's a movie.  You'd think with a tornado outbreak they'd get more eyeballs(ratings) than a movie.  I know the local news eats tornado outbreaks up for their news ratings.  You'd think channels like the Weather Channel would benefit the same.  Just my two cents.  Love the forum.

Programming / Re: When was TWC's best year?
« on: May 01, 2010, 12:54:16 AM »
1995-1998 gets my vote.  Then ZDtv and Techtv came along and kind of stole my focus from TWC.  When I returned to having TWC on in the background it wasn't the same channel as it was in 1998.

Programming / Re: Classic TWC Question
« on: May 01, 2010, 12:51:42 AM »
That may be true.  I remember my local cable company sometimes inserting their own shows and commercials on some channels back in the early 90s.  Had a very crappy cable company back then.  They would pop commercials sometimes right in the middle of programs.  You could tell it was their commercials or shows due to the crappy camera work and sound quality.

Programming and Graphics / Re: "Flick > Forecast"
« on: May 01, 2010, 12:23:47 AM »
Ok I don't mind TWC showing a movie.  But when there's a Tornado outbreak going on how come I can't see what's going on.  On the Weather Channel.  You'd think a Tornado outbreak would draw some ratings for them.  No I turn it on and see a movie.  I want my TWC from the 90s back.

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