This sounds like a joke.
Currently, only 1.6% of California's 30 million vehicles are electric.
1.6 percent, and the grid CAN'T EVEN HANDLE THAT!
It's been estimated that the State would have to add 17 Gigawatts of electricity to accommodate 30 million EVs, and if you seriously think that you can get those 17 GW with windmills and solar cells, you need to face reality. For a state currently facing an energy crisis, this EV mandate is like pouring gasoline on an open fire so to speak.
Are the people running that state
A. Clueless
B. Stupid
C. Deliberately trying to destroy the fifth largest economy in the world
All this ''green'' or ''renewable'' energy can complement what we have now and REDUCE our usage of ''fossil fuels'', but they cannot REPLACE traditional energy sources. Europe is currently finding this out the hard way.