Questions, Comments, Suggestions / Wiki?
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:08:30 PM »
I've been a wiki user since ~2005, and my brain just had a beautiful child.
The TWC Today Wiki.
A lot of people will likely be resistant to this because anyone can edit a wiki. Not always. If you change a quick few lines of code, you can restrict editing like (*snaps*) that.
I think it'd be worth a try on a different, unrelated site for now and then exporting it here if it works. I have MediaWiki in mind (I'm an expert at setting it up), but does anyone have any other wiki software ideas?
Thanks! I'll see if I can use a free subdomain to get started.
The TWC Today Wiki.
A lot of people will likely be resistant to this because anyone can edit a wiki. Not always. If you change a quick few lines of code, you can restrict editing like (*snaps*) that.
I think it'd be worth a try on a different, unrelated site for now and then exporting it here if it works. I have MediaWiki in mind (I'm an expert at setting it up), but does anyone have any other wiki software ideas?
Thanks! I'll see if I can use a free subdomain to get started.