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Messages - Al

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 89
Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:48:07 PM »
IMO, the narration is a perfect example of - laziness.

Most americans these days are too lazy to walk to their TVs and flip on the channel to TWC. They'll just sit tight (again my opinion, no offense) and listen to the narration at their own pleasure.

omg. are you even thinking about those who are blind? gosh.
Let's use NOTHING but common sense here: Why on EARTH would a BLIND person have a TELEVISION???????????????????

If that's not indredibly rediculous, than i don't know what is.

lets use your OTHER common sense...what about other people in that household who aren't blind?

gil if you wanna act like and ass, you'll be treated like an ass. guaranteed.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 08, 2008, 05:15:42 PM »
IMO, the narration is a perfect example of - laziness.

Most americans these days are too lazy to walk to their TVs and flip on the channel to TWC. They'll just sit tight (again my opinion, no offense) and listen to the narration at their own pleasure.

omg. are you even thinking about those who are blind? gosh.

TWC Today News / Re: The Great TWC Today Design Off!!!
« on: April 06, 2008, 08:25:49 PM »
my lame concept:

it lacks originality...and its rather dull, and boring. it was thrown together in a matter of minutes, kinda running out of time, and i'm tired...yeah its early. i haven't gotten any sleep lately, because i can't seem to fall asleep.


i'll def. give it a whack at it next week when I get new creative ideas during the school week...I tend to doodle a lot  :P

edit - i also wanted to put a cheesy slogan "as the weather channel transitions into hd, so does twc today!" hahaha but i didn't.

TWC Today News / Re: The Great TWC Today Design Off!!!
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:54:57 PM »
Welcome to the first TWC Today design off! What is it? simple. Think the site needs a facelift? Want a crack at it? Great! Post your creations here! The best creations will be used for the site! Anyone who wishes to try their hand is welcome to join in!

hawt. its on.  :P

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:48:06 PM »
From the cable promotions video:

This is why I don't like HD.. Way to much (litteraly) room for screw up... In this shot you can see the shadow box light, and the boom mic.

whoever was holding up the boom mic was quite weak.

lol jk.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:45:53 PM »
i'm not going to lie....the previous makeover was quite unprofessional IMO. seriously. I personally liked V1 better than V2 (current).
Yeah, I was personally attached to the previous look.. I didn't / don't like this release one bit.

was anyone else disgusted by the latest IS Graphical release in twc hq? do you know?

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:30:08 PM »
The SD IS will be changing.
Why would they change it again when they just changed it a couple of months ago? :wacko: Then again, we're talking about TWC here. :rolleyes:
The change(s) are based off of a few things you guys both here at TWCT and TWCC were complaining about the makeover. Again, can't say much except watch the tube, or pixel.. What ever you have. :P

OMG - they're actually going to listen to us! oh god its gonna snow (which never seems to happen in San Antonio BTW)!  :ninja:

i'm not going to lie....the previous makeover was quite unprofessional IMO. seriously. I personally liked V1 better than V2 (current).

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:10:50 PM »
no not really...because they're likely the change the date. like they always tend to do...we can't PROVE that YWT and EE will 100% be in HD on EXACTLY June 2nd. Even if TWC did say so, because again they tend to hold things off.
True. Weekend View was SUPPOSED to launch sometime in July 2005, but that never happened. :whistling:

that's exactly what I was referring to. hahaha. didn't it debut in september? 2 months after it was originally scheduled?

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:06:38 PM »
rumor has it Your Weather Today and Evening Edition will be HD on June 2...as for the rest of the shows, it may be small updates at a time.
It's not a rumor, it's a fact. ;)

no not really...because they're likely the change the date. like they always tend to do...we can't PROVE that YWT and EE will 100% be in HD on EXACTLY June 2nd. Even if TWC did say so, because again they tend to hold things off.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:04:23 PM »
So will it be another August 2005, where nearly everything changes, or what?

rumor has it Your Weather Today and Evening Edition will be HD on June 2...as for the rest of the shows, it may be small updates at a time.

TWC Fan Art / Re: Al's Art
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:35:12 PM »
kinda need opinions here...which icon set should i use?

XL Icons

IS Icons (New York & Los Angeles) / TWC Web Friendly Icons (Chicago & Philadelphia)

i decided to use a different type of font as well.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:59:43 PM »
I just hate my LDL, since it signals my Intellistar is up and running.   :furious:

I like the satellite LDL because it's fun bouncing through all of the cities.

I'll like this HD transition if:

They keep the SD satellite what it is, so I can enjoy my favorite LF
They don't turn skytracker into some tilt-o-matic carnival ride eye candy radar (eg: Carl Parker, Kelly Cass, Betty Davis, etc, having false sweep lines to show NWS radars, etc)

And looking at that HD STAR, why did the icons go poof on the current conditions?

once again...SD & HD Satellite Local Forecast are completely separate from each other.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC HD STAR shot?
« on: April 06, 2008, 01:23:43 AM »

Please don't replace the SD satellite. I don't wanna succumb to the HD crap satellite they have now!

you seem to be the only one who dislikes the HD Satellite....and btw SD Satellite will in no way be associated with TWC HD Satellite...

TWC Fan Art / Re: Al's Art
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:20:58 AM »
decided to change things up for v3:

comments on improvements before i make it into video format? 

TWC Fan Art / Re: Al's Art
« on: April 05, 2008, 11:09:44 PM »
See if you can do another satellite emulator like that, except use the latest icon set.

Here's a screenshot:

it kinda throws off my alignments, as you can see the 8pm needs to be shifted to the right a little.

and its as i thought, you can't see it very well. hahaha looks like i forgot the change the "3 day forecast" back to "sunday's forecast" oops.

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