Here's a list of the other cities inculding TWC Ch., WxScan, and STAR. This is for my visited cities that i when other town.
City name-TWC Channel-WxScan-STAR
San Antonio, TX-36-N/A-IntelliStar
Austin, TX-45-N/A-IntelliStar
San Marcos ,Tx-45-N/A-IntelliStar
Corpus Christi, TX-99-N/A-IntelliStar
Houston, TX-27-N/A-IntelliStar
South Parde Isand,TX (town in Cameron County)-34-N/A-IntelliStar (for Brownsville)
yeah. i may have posted the san antonio one already, cause i'm live there
. who knows. hahaha. corpus christi recently, as in the past year (maybe 2?) just upgraded to intellistar. they had the XL for a good while...i loved going there just to see the XL, now its gone.
oh well.