You can't file a lawsuit against a company for firing you, unless of course it was a valid reason like racial or sexual discrimination. It's the economy, there is nothing you can do about it.
Luckily, my job is safe in tact...for now. More people are getting fast food rather than something fancy (I assume..). My parents, however, got hours cut at their job. But, my dad has a backup part time job that can turn into full time easliy
i can't really say the same, yes i work in the fast food industry...but when you're working with idiots (management team)...nothing gets done or make sense...
for the first time EVER that i've been working at freddy's...i have TEN (10!) cashiers...and 8 cooks...we're becoming overstaffed, theres a lack of communication, all my managers are MALES, so their going to continue hiring hot looking cashiers (i should add that i'm now the last male cashier who gets paid higher than the other cashiers) making me target number 1 on the list to be fired.
it's ridiculous.
anyway back on subject :p haha. sorry.