Well there's some good news for you A&B fans! Martin asked the perfect question: Will the 7-10 Weather Center with you guys have the same feel, attitude, and personality as Beyond The Forecast has today?The response from A&B: Yes, we are just going to add some more fun segments.YAY!
Okay Ana,kind filling you on A&B. BTW the last offical week of BTF!!! Okay so Stephanie totally just embrassed Mike. :rofl2:She made him dance with her. It was hilarious, she's like " Come on Mike do the storm train with me." lol BTW if any body has that video please POST IT!!!
You should probably have made a new post so that people would have known you posted the video.
Holy crap dude! They just aired a Weather Center (A& ad!http://f.imagehost.org/download/0824/wcab-adPS: I request you credit me for the video please if you upload to youtube.