Wow, I never expected this.

Heather and Marshall are one of those things that you think will never be broken up, and then they are. This kind of gives me the same feeling as the last day of summer vacation.
I think that Heather, Nicole, and Eboni will be the new hosts. They've expermented with this many times when Marshall was out for the day/week. I would have said that Jen Carfagno would have been in place of Eboni, but she was recently promoted herself, so she's out of the equation. I like Bill and I think he'd be okay on YWT. But Nick or Carl are other options.
With all the extra time Marshall will have I bet he'll be playing golf a lot more often. Maybe TWC could do a segment with him: something like "Marshall Seese: From the Golf Course." Yeah I know it's stupid but that way we would still get to see him on TWC.