WeatherScan Local Emulator Project > News and Updates
PM Rules
Okay, things are obviously getting out of control already (and I have in mind the culprits). So, from now on, DO NOT PM Martin or Brian with emulator problems. If you do they will tell me and you'll be banned from here. Problems are to be reported ONLY ONCE and here on the forum, not via PM. I can say with confidence that Martin and Brian do not feel like being bombarded by countless PM's.
Second, you all have used emulators before (think 4000). So let's act like it. You know that if the emulator shows the Incomplete Data message the reason is that it could not obtain the necessary information from the NWS. We needn't bombard Martin and Brain about that, now do we? Bottom line, think before you post. Your not babies, and you won't be treated as such.
:clap: I could not have said it better myself. Also if there is a problem with the program, it makes sense to post it on the forums so everyone can see and learn about it. As for setup i have made topics covering the basic of it. This emulator is not that much difficult than the 4000 regarding setup. Over the days im working as fast as I can to get more tutorials and helpful post up.
Please abide by this rule folks. I've been made aware that there are still some people who haven't quite decided the rule includes them. Let me clarify that: THIS MEANS YOU. If you havea question or problem about the project, post it in the appropriate forum. Realistically, no one should be PM'ing either Brian or Martin for anything.
If I continue to hear of people continuing to PM either martin or Brian I will begin monitoring the PM logs and take action against those responsible. This is not the 4000 forum, and you will NOT be allowed to do as you please here.
Mike M:
Can we PM them about things not related to the emulator?
Of course. I thought that was clear
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