Intellistar Jr., huh?
Do you know how this compares, tech-wise, to the IS1 and IS2? It's obviously different in that it has Cantore's Vocal Local, but also the specs have to be closer to the IS2, right?
And, if we have an IS already, like with Fios, will they go to the ISJr.?
Unfortunately, I don't have any technical specs, and I think they'll be hard to come by. As for FiOS, I previously reported that TWC's President said Verizon will be getting the IntelliStar 2 "in three months." I've been told that three months is pushing it, and it'll likely take longer, but I have confirmed Verizon is indeed currently in the testing phase with IntelliStar 2's.
Do you know how long TWC has been developing/manufacturing these? Had to have been well before the WATT campaign started.
I have no information on that at this time. I can say that replacement of the legacy STARs has been in the works for a while now though.
I'd much rather have this over the current IntelliStar. This looks like a total step up in my eyes... 
So IntelliStar Jr? Is that the official name or what? I'd like to see a press release or some form of documentation on this machine. I'm interested.
IntelliStar 2 Jr. is actually the official name. And I agree, I think I'd rather have this than the original IntelliStar.