TWC Today Forums
Present - The Weather Channel 2000 => Local Forecast => Topic started by: cc17926 on May 18, 2020, 01:26:11 PM
It appears to show at the end of the LF, and out of place. Neat to see it again though
saw it also
I can confirm that the "Regional Forecast" product has shown more than just 12:48pm et, as I've seen it here in Phoenix on every LF since 11:18am mst (the last LF I saw before that was 9:18am mst). It's so great to see a product return that was last seen in the pre-WATT days, and for the IntelliStar 2 units, this is the first appearance of this product since March 31, 2013 when they discontinued the few 90 second and 2 minute LFs that remained the day after, with the latter only being shown weekend morning at 4:28am et since the prior November. Coincidentally, this occurs exactly 11 years to the date of the IntelliStar receiving new flavors on May 18, 2009, some of which didn't include the "Current Conditions" segment, which so many people hated back then, though I'm sure they'd take that over all the things that happened years later. In fact, I was gonna post about that in the "General LF Discussion" until I saw this.
As of this evening, it seems to be appearing between the radar and text forecast products...but if the metro radar is active, it won't show (or it could be a combination of the metro radar and bulletin slides being active). Frankfort is still dealing with precip and had the metro radar. Bowling Green, on the other hand is showing the regional forecast map.
Haven't seen the new map product on the Astoria IS2 Jr yet. I've looked all day and still no sign of it on my end. :dunno:
As of this evening, it seems to be appearing between the radar and text forecast products...but if the metro radar is active, it won't show (or it could be a combination of the metro radar and bulletin slides being active). Frankfort is still dealing with precip and had the metro radar. Bowling Green, on the other hand is showing the regional forecast map.
In the case of the I2xD in Redding, CA, both the local radar and bulletin products were active today. Once those cleared, I saw it:
Wow! Nice to see the return of the regional forecast! Notice it’s using the previous font set, instead if the refreshed font introduced last year. That makes me think this is a bug or was unintentional. I do like the big, bold fonts. The radar products should use bold fonts like that for the city names.
Not sure if accidental or not, but I can definitely explain why the fonts on that map are still in Akko. This product was only shown once on a random I2 in 2015 (which I have attached a screenshot of below). The reason this product is in Akko is most likely because TWC did not intend to update this product to have the new Roboto font and was most likely going to sit unused until it made its way to our I2s yesterday.
Sounds about right. Due to the amount of rain my area has been receiving I haven’t been able to see the product much. I hope to see it again soon.
It's still running, and out of place at the end.
I thought they moved it to after the radar. Maybe your Star isn’t doing it for some reason
The move to after radar only affects the Tonight/Overnight forecast map. The Today variant will run at the end of the LF. Same thing is happening here on my I2.
Checked the Astoria IS2 Jr again and we still do not have the map product as of this morning. I wonder if the map is exclusive to the IS2 HDs and XDs, or if any other Jrs out there have it as well. :unsure:
The forecast map was removed at 8:48 AM Central. Guess it was accidental.
Who knows, maybe it will return someday
This has to make you wonder what other products the newer Intellistars have built in that have never been used...
Makes me wonder the same thing..
I also took a video of my IntelliStar featuring the map: (
Given luesjo12's assessments about the map product still using the old Akko font rather than the current Roboto font and also the maps being removed this morning, I guess TWC didn't intend on using said product and it was likely just glitching. Or, TWC could have been testing out the maps and they plan on updating it with Roboto in the future, perhaps even roll it out to the IS2 Jrs as well. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next. :dunno:
Given luesjo12's assessments about the map product still using the old Akko font rather than the current Roboto font and also the maps being removed this morning, I guess TWC didn't intend on using said product and it was likely just glitching. Or, TWC could have been testing out the maps and they plan on updating it with Roboto in the future, perhaps even roll it out to the IS2 Jrs as well. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next. :dunno:
I’m sticking with it was an error. With LOT8s only running 2 times per hour max for one minute, there’s absolutely no reason TWC would be interested in adding a new product to the lineup.
...TWC could have been testing out the maps and they plan on updating it with Roboto in the future...
TWC would test that internally first. I'm confident it was just a goof up ;)
Haven't seen it here yet in Chicago WOW! cable yet but I'm keeping an eye out.
It seems like the map has been turned off for now, but if you look at my first reply on this thread you'll see a map for somewhere pretty close to Chicago.
Not sure if accidental or not, but I can definitely explain why the fonts on that map are still in Akko. This product was only shown once on a random I2 in 2015 (which I have attached a screenshot of below). The reason this product is in Akko is most likely because TWC did not intend to update this product to have the new Roboto font and was most likely going to sit unused until it made its way to our I2s yesterday.
I wonder who posted that picture? I presume there's no video anywhere, but I have to wonder how long that IS2 showed the map. It says "Tomorrow's Forecast" and the time on the paused DVR shows 1:18p with the program being "Highway Thru Hell", so that had to have been on a weekend, but I keep wondering if it showed that instead of a "TOMORROW" text forecast, or in addition to the 3 text forecasts, or if it even showed "Today", "Tonight", and "Tomorrow" on maps instead of text. I'm guessing this was also a glitch, though it wasn't a nationwide glitch, as I know mine in "Saint Louis" didn't show those maps anytime back then. It makes me wonder if the WATT IS2s have multiple flavors built in to show forecast maps for different periods, but only the one without the maps is supposed to be used, with ones with the maps being accidently used on this one IS2 back in 2015, plus nationwide this past May. There's also a "Now" map built in, but was never used once, not even by accident, at least to my knowledge.
I don't know about any of you still reading this, but I think the maps should return to stay. They could put an extended 2 minute Local on the 8s at :58 that would include all the now/forecast map products and the Hourly Forecast last seen in October 2014. All they'd have to do is truncate the top of the hour segment by 2 minutes and start it at :00 instead of :58 (I never saw the benefit of starting the top of the hour segments 2 minutes early), they wouldn't even have to lose any commercial time for it.