This playlist is a big step in the right direction, and I like many of the songs this month. Jane Eyre and Proposed Solution are two of my all-time favorites
. Now, if only they could banish those vocals from the local forecasts (or what's left of them), especially Lady Gaga's songs
TWC seems to be on the way up from a very low bottom. The music has been better from June onward, and other aspects of the precipitous decline have stabilized. They're still close to rock bottom and have a long way to go, but at least they're starting to move in the right direction. The only two songs that I've actually liked this entire year so far are Running Out of Time by Matthew Shuman (Apr 2012) and Deluge by Jeff Pearce (Jun 2012).
EDIT: I think the 2-minute flavors are back in the morning hours at least? Zach's clip was a 2 minute LF. It's the first I've seen of them since 90-second flavors became the longest flavor in late May.