TWC Today Forums
Present - The Weather Channel 2000 => Local Forecast => Topic started by: gt1racerlHDl on June 30, 2009, 03:00:09 PM
Surprising news
Here is our Local On The 8s music playlist for July. I apologize for the delay in sending this out, however the songs just cleared performing rights today.
Please note that there are now 4 tabs on the spreadsheet instead of 3. Beginning July 1st, we have added a fourth daypart:
Overnight plays from 1am to 6am. (formerly 1am to 5am)
NEW: Morning Daypart plays from 6am to 12pm
Daytime playlist plays from 12pm to 8pm (formerly 5am to 8pm)
Prime Time playlist plays from 8pm to 1am (same as before)
The online play list may take some time to change from a 3- to a 4-part sheet, but you have the most up to date here
So does this mean there will be more songs playing on the playlist than usual since there's 4 playlists now instead of 3? IDK what to think of the morning playlist, but this 4 playlist is kind of interesting and doesn't sound too bad. The only song I heard from the morning playlist is "Global Cooling" by Joyce Cooling, it's a good song imo.
I've heard Global Cooling before. Terminal Frost! George Winston! Shine on you crazy diamond! Amazing!!!
again like last month this is a joke. I can't believe they're ignoring us.
"Rushing" By Moby is gonna play during primetime! Yay!!! :dance:
Not as bad as this month. Nice to see Jim Weider back on the playlists too (his music used back in 2006-07)! I have a clip of Rain Daze from 2006.
LAYLA IS BACK!!!! About friggin time!
I can only see the morning list. :huh:
I can only see the morning list. :huh:
You have to click on the tabs labeled daytime, primetime, overnight etc.
I can only see the morning list. :huh:
You have to click on the tabs labeled daytime, primetime, overnight etc.
Thanks! :worship:
I'm going crazy over this playlist!! :dance: :dance: :fire:
I'm Excited Jeanne is playing again in the overnight her music gives me goosebumps
TWC has officially put First Outlook on the backburner by giving it the overnight playlist. It used to be a respected weather show, now it's not.
Brian O'Neil's reaction to his song playing on the list
OMG... Wow!!! Wowwwwww!
Thanks soooo much for this. I'm too excited now! :-)
ps: Hows the weather where you are man?
Not bad playlist, but still need some jazz.
Not bad playlist, but still need some jazz.
I agree, at least there's more jazz. Glad to see Yvonne Ayers and Jeanne ricks back. As well as Chris Geith. I can't stand Stone Groove though. That song needs a boot, it's been on TWC in 2004, Jan 06, April 06, Apr 07, Jan 08 and now Jul 09.
LAYLA IS BACK!!!! About friggin time!
Agreed! This is not the best playlist ever, but I have been desperate to hear Rushing and Shine On You Crazy Diamond since I had clips of them from '07, but lost them. This is awesome! I finally get to take a couple of my wanted songs off my list, and I like TWC's new playlist division idea. Overnight should go until 6 AM, and I like being able to hear more songs.
Not bad playlist, but still need some jazz.
I can't stand Stone Groove though. That song needs a boot, it's been on TWC in Jan 06, April 06, Apr 07, Jan 08 and now Jul 09.
Me neither, and that song never fits in the primetime playlist (no offense to it).
LAYLA IS BACK!!!! About friggin time!
Agreed! This is not the best playlist ever, but I have been desperate to hear Rushing and Shine On You Crazy Diamond since I had clips of them from '07, but lost them. This is awesome! I finally get to take a couple of my wanted songs off my list, and I like TWC's new playlist division idea. Overnight should go until 6 AM, and I like being able to hear more songs.
I like the 4 Playlist concept too, I'm also glad to hear Layla by Eric Clapton, that's been my favorite song to play on TWC since I heard it in 2001.
This is a much better playlist. Thanks for posting it!
Just sampling the songs on Lala. I have only been through 3 as of yet,
but the Thievery Corporation song may sound bizzare: (
I am also not crazy about the Johnny Ramone song either
One of the best playlists.
Despite the fact that all my TWC videos are gone, because there are 4 parts, looks like a fresh start for me to upload my TWC clips :)
At least this playlist seems to be an improvement overall from last month's music. :yes:
Hummingbird by George Winston is a good song. I remember seeing Dan's video of that song from 1998. As usual overnight seems to be the winner.
This is a decent playlist. Interesting to see the "morning" segment of music
This is a decent playlist. Interesting to see the "morning" segment of music
I agree. Gives a chance for more songs to be heard and I just like the ring to it. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the playlist. They don't post it right away and now I see why. I am honored yet again to be included on The Local Forecast music. Bummed Carolina Shore isn't on there but stoked Shock/Denial is!! Wow, that's definitely going to be a "Shock" to those who heard Carolina Shore! :thrilled:
This playlist hasn't started yet. <_< I'm still hearing the last month's playlist.
No playlist today. I woke up early for nothing . :whistling:
Might Start at 12pm edt, for the Daytime portion
Might Start at 12pm edt, for the Daytime portion
That's what I've been thinking, but don't get your hopes up.
I don't think it's gonna start until Friday.
It could start tomorrow. I don't think a playlist ever started (at least to my memory) on a Friday or Saturday.
I was hoping that Sunday by Moby would be on the playlist
I was hoping that Sunday by Moby would be on the playlist
So was I; I really like that song. Just be patient, it'll be on again sometime soon. at least this playlist is far better than the June one.
I've been told the July playlist will start tomorrow.
Wow, I've heard "Rain Daze" by Jim Wieder before, I realize, as I sample the song on lala. Sounds like a really good song to me. I can't wait to hear some of the songs on this playlist! :biggrin:
Yeah, I have that on my YT account when it played in 2006. I remember Flight being played too in August 2006. Would like to hear Smooth Move back on the playlists but that's probably too "jazzy" to NBC.
Darn, the new playlist hasn't started yet. <_<
Lets see if it starts at noon. TWC told me on twitter it was supposed to start today.
I hope it starts today as well, but I wonder if the late start is due to problems with getting the new music in place.
I hope it starts today as well, but I wonder if the late start is due to problems with getting the new music in place.
They didn't seem to have this problem with getting the June playlists in place. In fact, they even started the June playlists early, in the afternoon of May 31st.
No new playlist. Maybe it'll start sometime today. I'm not a huge fan of this playlist but there seems to be a good playlist EVERY July, and this list has several n/a songs I'm interested in hearing.
Is Gooding's Winter Return album available? I don't see it in iTunes and I can't find other places to listen to the songs.
- (
Scroll down, type in the track name, and it'll give you a link to the songs in the library where you can listen/record in full length. The song "Winter's Return" doesn't work for some reason, but most of the other songs from that album does.
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Scroll down, type in the track name, and it'll give you a link to the songs in the library where you can listen/record in full length. The song "Winter's Return" doesn't work for some reason, but most of the other songs from that album does.
Yay, the new July '09 playlist has started! :dance:
Like this song!
It's Rockit by Herbie Hancock, that song has been used a lot in tv shows, movies, commercials etc.
It's Rockit by Herbie Hancock, that song has been used a lot in tv shows, movies, commercials etc.
I know, it seemed so familiar to me when I heard it. Thanks for the ID! :thumbsup: (
"Diamonds in the Sky" by Chris Geith at :18.
Hmm, "Oscillate Wildly" is back at 12:48 PM EDT....... :thinking:
Daytime sucks. I don't like the new Ryan Farish or Chris Geith tune. :sick: And I haven't heard PWARS or Layla yet.
No Layla but PWARS played at 3:28 ET today.
No Layla but PWARS played at 3:28 ET today.
Figures, I was at the store. :P
Me and Localonthe8's came to an agreement after this list if there is no jazz we both will not be uploading anymore playlist clips.
Me and Localonthe8's came to an agreement after this list if there is no jazz we both will not be uploading anymore playlist clips.
You got a better chance of hearing more New Age rather than more Smooth Jazz after this month. Rock has become a fascination for their playlist now.
Me and Localonthe8's came to an agreement after this list if there is no jazz we both will not be uploading anymore playlist clips.
You got a better chance of hearing more New Age rather than more Smooth Jazz after this month. Rock has become a fascination for their playlist now.
Where do you get this info from?
Layla @ :58... (
How the hell do they butcher the time-in on that song...
It's about four seconds later than the time in used in previous playlists.
I don't care much for the instrumental part of that song. Too depressing.
It's Rockit by Herbie Hancock, that song has been used a lot in tv shows, movies, commercials etc.
That song is significantly different than his song Watermelon Man, which played in 2000 and 2006.
I recorded a two minute clip of that song which I'll include in my next batch of videos Sun-Monday.
It's Rockit by Herbie Hancock, that song has been used a lot in tv shows, movies, commercials etc.
That song is significantly different than his song Watermelon Man, which played in 2000 and 2006.
I recorded a two minute clip of that song which I'll include in my next batch of videos Sun-Monday.
Yes it is, I was surprised to hear he composed it.
Stone Groove by Boney James sounds similar to same cut used in Jan. 08'.
Finally, "Rushing" by Moby at 9:18 PM EDT!!! :dance:
Finally, "Rushing" by Moby at 9:18 PM EDT!!! :dance:
Nice! I can't wait to hear Terminal Frost and Flight. :D
Finally, "Rushing" by Moby at 9:18 PM EDT!!! :dance:
I think I have a clip of that song too from '07. Lots more "double take" local forrecasts for me to make!
Me and Localonthe8's came to an agreement after this list if there is no jazz we both will not be uploading anymore playlist clips.
Guess I'll have to take over playlist duties if this happens. :P
LOL what's with the double posting. :P I like to do playlist duties...since after all it was my job since February 2008 on my old account but I don't see the effort and time to put in if TWC continues to fool around with the music. Last year was so much better with the music. The first two playlists of this year were really good, March was basically a repeat of Dec, April/May's had too many reused songs that sounded the same, last month's lacked jazz, this month the songs don't have summerlike meaning...I'm not gonna continue this rant. If the playlists continue to have bad non jazz songs then I'm not going to bother to keep up with the crappy music.
I like the primetime playlist, I don't care for most of the songs in the Daytime, only about 2 or 3 I like from that one.
Two minute of "Rushing" at 10:58 PM EDT! :dance:
Well, no Flight tonight. :(
"Time is Right" retitled this month as Play It Forward at :28. This was song was used in Feb. <_<
"Time is Right" retitled this month as Play It Forward at :28. This was song was used in Feb. <_<
I always liked this song, I think I may have it on tape.
Chasing Rainbows by Chris G on :48. I like it!! Way better than Diamomds in the Sky. Chasing Rainbows gives me a sense of hope and wellbeing.
Escapade by Armik at 10:58am EDT :happy:
I heard the new song title "Global Cooling" by Joyce Cooling from the album of the same name played at 9:28AM ET.
Is this the second time that "Flight" by Jim Weider hasn't aired in primetime yet? I recorded a few overnight songs and noticed the Seal song from morning and STS9 song from primetime on overnight and those weren't listed in the overnight portion of the playlist. I guess they booted 2 songs, hope it isn't the Jeanne Ricks or George Winston song.
I haven't watched TWC much lately, but the WORST song on this playlist, by far, is Rockit by Herbie Hancock.
I almost threw up when I heard it. I'm all for 80's Synthpop, but this one crosses the line. There's another bad song on here, mostly guitar, with a really generic melody, that's pretty bad too.
I'm confused. I thought there was going to be no more jazz? Yet the playlist has quite a bit of jazz (and newage)? :thinking:
I'm confused. I thought there was going to be no more jazz? Yet the playlist has quite a bit of jazz (and newage)? :thinking:
There was no mention of Smooth Jazz being permantly removed from the playlist, it was the addition of soft rock that was supposed to decrease the amount of smooth jazz used in the playlist though.
I think they removed a good non-jazz song in the primetime list, "Flight" by Jim Weider. I"m hearing a weird song at :58 that I don't recall hearing. :(
I think they removed a good non-jazz song in the primetime list, "Flight" by Jim Weider. I"m hearing a weird song at :58 that I don't recall hearing. :(
Yeah I haven't heard that song either. Same with Rain Daze. Wonder what happened?
I think they removed a good non-jazz song in the primetime list, "Flight" by Jim Weider. I"m hearing a weird song at :58 that I don't recall hearing. :(
Yeah I haven't heard that song either. Same with Rain Daze. Wonder what happened?
Haven't heard Rain Daze or George Winston/Cleas' Day on overnight. I really wanted to record "Hummingbird" because I remember it from 1998 but I guess SOYCD by Pink Floyd will do..
I was up in Bad Axe this weekend (now in Alpena) and I recorded every playlist on the XL there in the thumb. Instead of recording every song I see, I am taking requests as to which songs to upload. Anyone have any requests? I will take PMs, replies to this post, or comments on my channel.
Rain Daze played at 5:18 this morning.
Daytime sucks. I don't like the new Ryan Farish or Chris Geith tune. :sick: And I haven't heard PWARS or Layla yet.
They are OK, but Diamond in the Sky sounds annoying. One Fine Day sounds good IMO, but kinda overplayed.
Does anyone find "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock a bit similiar to "happy Thoughts" by Coleman and Brown?
Does anyone find "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock a bit similiar to "happy Thoughts" by Coleman and Brown?
Yes - they are both horrible songs made on 80's synthesizers.
Does anyone find "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock a bit similiar to "happy Thoughts" by Coleman and Brown?
Yes - they are both horrible songs made on 80's synthesizers.
I like both of them. What's wrong with that beat made with the 80's synthesizer? I find it odd making those kind of songs unique and "video gamish".
Well first of all, the beat is not made with an 80's synthesizer. Though nothing is wrong with them, the execution is rather poor (IMO).
Does anyone find "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock a bit similiar to "happy Thoughts" by Coleman and Brown?
Yes - they are both horrible songs made on 80's synthesizers.
I like both of them. What's wrong with that beat made with the 80's synthesizer? I find it odd making those kind of songs unique and "video gamish".
As do I. Rockit especially, since it is so catchy.
Does anyone find "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock a bit similiar to "happy Thoughts" by Coleman and Brown?
Yes - they are both horrible songs made on 80's synthesizers.
What wrong with Happy Thoughts? I love that song. Rockit is OK IMO.
Guys, great news from Melissa!
Hi Mike, [/]
Our music team did check the systems and discovered that there was, indeed, a problem with these being overridden. However, this issue has been resolved, and “Flight” and “Hummingbird” should be in the rotation beginning tonight. Please note that “Flight” only plays during the Prime Time clock (8pm to 1am) and Hummingbird is in the overnight playlist (1am to 6am).[/]
Thank you for bringing it to our attention![/]
Good news and good songs...I thought you were referring to the obvious lol. Flight's time in is at :00 and Hummingbird's 1:21 fyi..
Flight at 10:08 PM ET! Uploading it right now...
For those of you who want "Chasing Rainbows" by Chris Geith in full length, it's available for streaming here: (
I saw this from Chris' Facebook status
How exactly do you get the full song to play?
How exactly do you get the full song to play?
Click on the little triangle thingy next to the song title. It'll play in full length, or at least it did for me.
How exactly do you get the full song to play?
Click on the little triangle thingy next to the song title. It'll play in full length, or at least it did for me.
I only get a brief clip of it. :/
How exactly do you get the full song to play?
Click on the little triangle thingy next to the song title. It'll play in full length, or at least it did for me.
I only get a brief clip of it. :/
Same here. I only get a 30-second clip of the song on that page.
it plays as a 30 second clip now. It used to be in full length but I'll post it anyways...
it plays as a 30 second clip now. It used to be in full length but I'll post it anyways...
I like it!!! :happy:
it plays as a 30 second clip now. It used to be in full length but I'll post it anyways...
I like it!!! :happy:
Same here. It's way better than Diamonds in the Sky.
Great, thanks! :dance: