That would be a no this time.
What are you making it in?
I'm making the graphics with Photoshop. I'll be putting everything together in Adobe Premiere Elements (it's the only fancy program I have at my disposal).
I have been at my computer all afternoon trying to figure out which font goes where. Here is a guess. Please correct me if I'm wrong:
Halvetica Neueu Condensed - regional temps, 36 hour forecast, ad crawl
Where I may buy the font Akzidenz Grotesk Light SC & OSF - LDL, Left section of CC screen
Akzidenz Grotesk Medium - Cities on latest observation screen, cities on metro map???, cities on radar
Akzidenz Grotesk Super - location name on CC screen, daypart forecast, 36 hpur forecast, 7-day forecast, and extended forecast
Blue Highway Linocut - Titlebar