Wait, they're playing more than one Storm Alert theme?

So its unnacceptable for them to skip your local forecast to deal with Gustav? How self-centered of you.
Believe it or not, not all of the 48 states are affected by this.
They could use their fancy dual-feed thingy, and skip locals there, but I want my LF.
No, but its far more important than your weather, which you can get from WxScan, or any of a million other avenues.
Granted, it's an important/dangerous situation, but it hardly constitutes skipping the LF for EVERYONE in the country. Like I said, they could use their dual-feed.
Besides, what's 12 minutes out of an hour's worth of programming? 
Also, I noticed the Storm Alert music is different than the one I remember. Did they change it?. 
It's a shame your so selfish. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for putting yourself before alot of other people who appreciate what TWC is doing.
Again, what's 12 minutes out of an hour...I'm focusing on the logical aspect, not personal.
What's funny, an hour or 2 ago, Mike Bettes was reporting, and said the maximum wind gust that he recorded was 40 MPH.
But who knows, It could have increased dramatically since then. I'm really not following closely.