So this is the FiOS metro map in Tampa.. I want to know why more than half of the map is water?
By default, the home city for the Star is located in the center of the screen. If the city's on a coast, then, naturally, one half of the screen will be land and the other half will be water.
When I moved to Daytona Beach in the middle of 2011, I noticed that my IntelliStar's maps had the same problem yours has. I asked the Star team here in this forum to make an adjustment to show more land, and now the map is 90% land and 10% water. In other words, they just moved the map further to the west to show more land and more cities.
Last year, we got the HD feed on my cable system with the IntelliStar 2, and, once again, Daytona Beach is in the center of the half-land/half-water map. Unfortunately, the Star team told me it's a very different process for changing the map view on the IS2, and so there really wasn't much they could do for me at that time. I assume nothing's changed since, which is why I have no intention of repeating my request.