The only way i could see the :08 and :38 2 minutes coming back is if Tru View Max Traffic is added. about the LBar i was told it was a test and viewer input was needed to either (keep it or remove it by the testing group) so anything other than that is pure speculation.
What exactly is your obsession with Tru View Max Traffic and TWC?
It's not really an obsession (i don't know where you got that idea from), all i'm basically saying is it would just be nice to see Traffic again on TWC sometime soon.
Alex, you've been makings posts here in this thread and elsewhere (I believe the IS2, General TWC Discussion) about Tru Max. Tyler obviously didn't mention anything about traffic, so he has a valid point about your obsession. If TWC has no interest in bringing traffic products back seeing that their contract with TrafficPulse expired, what would motivate them to use another service? I think the local forecasts are fine without the traffic products. I, never, have used the traffic products on the Local forecast as a method of finding our traffic. There's a reason why the radio, more specifically, FM traffic radio, exists.