I think 7 days is just right for now as forecasts beyond that mark would become as good as throwing darts. 
I think even beyond 2 days is pushing it 
Yeah, I find forecasts even overnight can change rapidly. I agree, I think the 7 day should be the only extended forecast product, and that is just right when it comes to accuracy. Anything beyond that I really don't bother to trust.
So here's the question of the day... I haven't heard the narration phrase "Snowfall rates around one inch" for the wording phrase "Snowfall around one inch" on any Intellistar in years. The exception would be a video that user ajatwister recently uploaded.
So why is it that some Intellistars seem to have the phrase, but most don't?
And then I got to thinking about another phrase. My aunt and uncle live in San Clemente, CA (my mom just went to visit them two weeks ago)... and the phrase "Stronger winds in and below canyons and passes" appears on their text forecast a lot.
I recorded an LF with a camera I had when I went there in November 2007... but I lost it when my desktop was reformatted in February 2008. So does anyone know if the Intellistar has that phrase?