« Reply #1594 on: June 29, 2009, 11:15:23 AM »
There must be some errors going on with the music switching between time slots that they haven't detected yet.
If the overnight list goes until 6 AM EDT every morning, I would think they made the change intentionally. It doesn't seem like an error to me. In fact, I am in favor of it, and with the overnight playlist orginally ending at 2 AM PDT, at least it would not end so early. Now I am more likely to catch the overnight songs I am looking for when I travel to record an XL

TWC in...
Lansing: Comcast, Channel 36, STAR ID 22840
E. Lansing: Comcast, Channel 40, STAR ID 22842
Lansing Area: Broadstripe, Channel 40, STAR ID 25349
Current STAR count: 32. Be sure to see my channel for links to all the uploads!
"Until you have lived with all of them in there with you day after day, week after week, year after frikkin year... you are in no position to judge me!" -Debra Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond