Alright, I've got a couple questions to ask about this e-mail:
Thanks for writing to Shentel. I did not have immediate answers to your questions, so I had to go investigate. Here is what I have found out.
You are correct. About three weeks ago, the Weather Channel changed the Star Platform to only show local on the 8s at :28 and :58 past the hour. We will not be upgrading to Intellistar because TWC has announced an entirely new platform that is supposed to be even better and they have run out of Intellistars. So we have to make do until the new option is ready which our engineering guy said it would be mid-1012.
What do they mean by TWC has "run out of IntelliSTARs?"

I didn't think something like this could "run out."
Also, to respond to some of you, I can't imagine that TWC will be developing a new STAR, considering they just released the IS2 a couple of years ago. This "new platform" almost sounds like the squeezeback will be the new "LOT8s." This does not explain what the fate will be of the IS2; can't believe they would ditch something like that so quickly, unless it's got to do with money.
And, unless TWC gains great profits from it, I don't think the playlist disappearing would matter to the company or the average viewer. I know some might miss it, but I don't think that's their primary concern.