Guys, I think the return of the L-Bar/squeezeback is for good.

Remember several months ago when they removed it, the reason being for "little tweaks?" Well, I think the addition of the ad-crawl, and whatever else they changed, are the "little tweaks" they did. Why it would take that long to ad an ad-crawl and make many miniscule tweaks is beyond me.
What I don't understand is why TWC is only showing this 2 times an hour. Maybe it is still in a "beta test" and will soon be implemented? Also, from the videos you all posted, I noticed that they are showing an ad in the video screen section instead of live coverage. Seems odd to me, unless TWC is now despearately relying on more ads, but I will admit that a squeezeback with live coverage was very distracting. What do I focus on?