Tides substituted the almanac for coastal STARs... I am no classic TWC expert, but I simply knew that because I saw a 4000 in 2009 that had tides in lieu of the almanac
Yes, Tides replaced the Almanac. Exceptions were extraordinarily rare - they happened only when the tides information was, for some bizarre reason, unavailable, and even
that was so unlikely, since the Star calculated the tide and sunrise/sunset data itself. In other words, it was a product that technically could never expire. The Boston Star 3000 showed the Almanac instead of Tides maybe only a couple of times that I can remember, and it never showed the Outlook. Boston upgraded to the 4000 in 1993, and I don't think I
ever saw the Almanac taking the place of Tides. The 4000 never showed the Outlook, either.
Every summer I got to watch the Willow Grove, PA (near Philadelphia) Star. Since this wasn't on the coast, it showed the Almanac instead of Tides. The 3000 showed the Outlook only about 20% of the time, and the rest of the time it showed the Almanac, regardless of flavor. I can't remember offhand seeing both the Almanac and the Outlook together on the same local forecast. This area upgraded to the 4000 in 1991, and that showed the Outlook only at the very beginning. It very quickly disappeared from the rotation.