Now defunct pages include or something like that.
I have a very comprehensive compendium of TWC playlists in a binder 350 plus pages of playlists going from 1982-2011 taken over the years from various sites, many of them now defunct. If any of you have doubts as to what was used on TWC, I will be more than likely to answer that for youBryan. - Six songs from Brave New World by the Ripps where usedBrave New World (2001)Urban Wanderer (2002 and 2004)Key to the Forbidden City (2002)Faith (2002)Cicada (2002)First Time I Saw Her (Sept 2004)I believe Faith and Cicada were used in Feb/March 2002
Yes. I believe that was used in late 2000.. September I think... need to check my playlist "bible"