Here's the 1st and 2nd quarter 1998 lists I put together. For the 2nd quarter, the George Howard songs were added in late March, Brian Savage's cd was released on April 21 so those songs appeared after that time. The George Winston songs appeared in late April (I think) and played through May (the cd was advertised on-air). There's video of the Incognito song around April 10th, not sure when it was added.
Discovered Bryan Savage's cd on the old website in June 1998 (it was on the front page). That Incognito song was played on the radio here. Don't recall how I found Chris Camozzi. Not sure what the deal was, but some of the songs from the 4th quarter 97 to 2nd quarter 98 didn't seem to play much, or I just wasn't watching/recording when they were on (think they removed some of the non commercial songs from the 2nd quarter list when the new songs were added).