WeatherScan Local Emulator Project > Help and Support
Setting Up The Configuration
Firefox 3 works Fine
There have been one or two issues that seemed to be solved by using IE. So its not required but sugggested :thumbsup:
Are we supposed to PM one of you guys with the username and password? I don't want to send any PMs if it would be a bother that way. Thanks.
--- Quote from: BlackNGoldRules on November 06, 2008, 09:51:57 PM ---Are we supposed to PM one of you guys with the username and password? I don't want to send any PMs if it would be a bother that way. Thanks.
--- End quote ---
yep. its no problem
Okay, I'm having a few problems.
First, when I scroll to the bottom of the Review Cfg'n page, there is no link.
Also, when I enter the STAR ID on the emulator, it says my star id does not exist.
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