Received my CINE account log on last night. Follow the instructions step by step. Upon first launch of WeatherScan Local XL and entering of name and key, key was accepted but before the actual program launched I received "Error: Access violation at <random memory address> (program failed to write to <same random memory address> program terminated." Running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, tried to launch the program in compat mode but that changed the hardware id the program generated and has invalidated my original key
I believe. Seeing as the program failed to write to a specific address the only thing I could think of was my hardware dep setting is for all apps, I changed that back to the default windows system programs and services only and upon launch I now get the program splash screen telling me it's updating and to stand by for my local forecast ;p followed by the program terminating with the error "Run-time error -2147220850 (80040283) File Open Error" >.< Any ideas? at this point I do not know if my key is still valid. Also I don't know if it will help but I have nothing 64 bit OS I am dependent on, I can switch to Win7 x86 if need be.