WeatherScan Local Emulator Project > Latest Release Information
Emulator Release - April 2012
This is quick and dirty fix release. To update the emulator, follow these steps.
-Login to CINE:
-Go to downloads and keys
-If you do not have the emulator installed on your computer (or now wish to use a new computer), install the main emulator release.
-Download the "April 2012 Release" archive
-Extract the .EXE files to C:\wsxl and extract the remainder images to C:\wsxl\main
-Run the SetAffiliate program to set your ID. (This is required or else the emulator will crash on start!)
-Run the emulator itself. (Key dialog will appear to 'Get a Key' if this is a new install)
This is a quick maintenance release to correct the source that the Radar maps are retrieved from. I did not have the opportunity to verify, but I believe that Traffic is eternally broke as the traffic provider (Yahoo!) does not relay traffic details anymore. All other products should be working.
Please advise if you are having any issues. Also post your ID you are working with if you need support!!
Receiving Local Weather Temporarily Unavailable :(
ID: TWCFanChris
Please confirm your configuration is correct. Eliminate all other packages except for Local Forecast and try again. Don't forget to build your configuration! Also has this computer worked with the emulator before?
Yes I have used this computer for the emulator in the past.. I turned off all packages as you suggested and still nothing.. I can see the CCs downloading because the LDL will pop up but nothing else.. I also noticed in my configuration for the main CC site, the two images where the radar is supposed to be are non-existent and when I look in my radar folder, no new files were popping up
Zach, I need to confirm one thing, ill get back to you shortly..
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