... Airport weather warning for a severe thunderstorm threat a cloudto ground lightning threat at the Charlotte Douglas internationalAirport... The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg has issued anAirport weather warning for... Charlotte Douglas international Airport /clt/* valid until 515 PM EDTFor the following threats... * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for winds of 58 mph or greater and hail1 inch in diameter or larger.* Cloud to ground lightning within 5 miles of the Airport.
I was checking out the weather in Charlotte via Google's Weather Underground Full Page Weather extension and I noticed the area was under a thunderstorm warning. While reading it, I saw this:Quote... Airport weather warning for a severe thunderstorm threat a cloudto ground lightning threat at the Charlotte Douglas internationalAirport... The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg has issued anAirport weather warning for... Charlotte Douglas international Airport /clt/* valid until 515 PM EDTFor the following threats... * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for winds of 58 mph or greater and hail1 inch in diameter or larger.* Cloud to ground lightning within 5 miles of the Airport.Haven't seen anything like that from the NWS. Have you all have?