TWC Today Forums

Weather Discussion => General Weather Chat => Topic started by: Mr. Rainman on September 22, 2010, 10:53:02 AM

Title: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: Mr. Rainman on September 22, 2010, 10:53:02 AM
Hello, everyone.

I've been looking through the posts and (correct me if I'm wrong), I haven't seen any threads dedicated strictly to severe weather. Sure, I've seen some where people post their warnings, watches, and what not, but not one that discusses the potential for severe weather (notifying of meso discussions, convective outlooks, watches, etc.). I would like to propose that a Severe Weather thread be formed on this forum so that members like myself can discuss severe weather. This would also be a fantastic place to convene during tornado season. Instead of numerous posts recounting tornadoes, we can have a single thread in the severe weather section that posts tornado reports as they come in.

Who here is with me?
Title: Re: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: twcclassics on September 22, 2010, 03:25:34 PM
You're kidding, right? There's tons of stuff here about severe weather. Forum categories, subforums, and threads.
Title: Re: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: Mr. Rainman on September 22, 2010, 03:48:37 PM
In that case, I'll retract my request. Thanks for letting me know!
Title: Re: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: phw115wvwx on September 22, 2010, 03:52:10 PM
Severe weather threads are created individually by other members when they feel there's a demand and interest.  Not everyone here is actually into weather as their primary interest, so it usually takes a major event to warrant a thread for it where enough people will want to participate.  Thus, if you see a major event happening, feel free to just post a new topic about it in the General Weather Chat board.
Title: Re: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: Mike M on September 22, 2010, 03:54:47 PM
I know we had a subforum here awhile back for specifically severe weather, but I believe it was merged into the general forum due to lack of activity.
Title: Re: Proposal For New Child Board
Post by: TWCToday on September 23, 2010, 04:06:17 AM
Severe weather threads are created individually by other members when they feel there's a demand and interest.  Not everyone here is actually into weather as their primary interest, so it usually takes a major event to warrant a thread for it where enough people will want to participate.  Thus, if you see a major event happening, feel free to just post a new topic about it in the General Weather Chat board.
Ditto. I would love to have more general weather child forums and so forth but the interest is just not high enough to warrant it. However we have plenty of areas to post events, warnings and so forth. I don't see any need to change what we have for now