I know that a lot of people that I have spoken to across the country have noted that this week coming up could be the hottest it's been in awhile, especially here in Pennsylvania (Last year, Pittsburgh had one day over 90F. Now, all week is forecast to be in or near the 90s, with the highest temps to be tomorrow and Wednesday, both at 95, according to NWS. Philly, you ask? 100F, with humidities expected to increase as a front nears the region.) Lots and lots of record highs expected to be set.
I would expect that since a lot of you live along the eastern seaboard, that you're going to see likewise in the next couple of days.
Now, for discussion's sake, a couple of questions that I'd like to have answered (and I'll answer myself):
-What do you usually do to cool off when temps are this high? (Stay inside mostly, although occasionally I'll cool myself spraying a hose on mist straight up).
-What was the hottest day you remember? (Probably for me, OCMD, in 2004. ~96 and a ~73 degree dewpoint, heat index ~111. Thank God it was the beach.)
-Do you like hot weather as opposed to cold weather? (Yea, mostly because it's easier to turn on the A/C as opposed to heating up my car.)
The good thing is it's weather and not climate, so it should cool off later in the week. (Or so we hope.)