Wow, it sure has been crazy with this weather here lately. I have almost an entire block along Pennsylvania Avenue to shovel, along with the face of my house on the corner I live on. It took me two hours, and I was not even able to keep up with the snow, nor was I able to do more than the sidewalks along the streets. Because I did not shovel much while I was at my dad's last week, all the snow compacted and turned to ice, so I had to get much of that up, and work around what else. Even with salt, I could not get up some of the ice. I slipped on my driveway (since it has a slant), and really hurt my back, along with my arm. My back was seriously out of it this afternoon, while I was shoveling. Speaking of slipping, I also slipped and fell on the railroad tracks in Haslett when I was walking back to my dad's on Tuesday... thank goodness that didn't happen two minutes later.
Also, right before I finished 20 minutes or so ago, a girl came up to me and started crying. She was complaining about how everyone in this area is not nice to her, and she had no money, etc. Apparently she was upset enough to commit suicide, since she walked right into an enroaching line of traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue there. She held up the cars for a minute, and then walked back. The whole time she was waiting there, cars kept honking at her as she got close to the road. I wanted to help her, but had no idea what to do. Apparently someone she knew came to her and took her away, as I had to go back down the block-long sidewalk and shovel it.
My mom just got back from California, and has serious bronchitis. Yet I was the one who went into a blinding blizzard in South Haven, and I'm fine...
Crazy week