This has been the most fatalities of any tornado outbreak since May 3, 1999. On February 5-6, 2008 a total of 47-50 deaths have been reported yesterday from the resulting tornadoes that struck the Southeast US. According to TWC there were 26 deaths in Tennessee, 13 in Arkansas, 5 in Alabama, and other deaths in Missippi and Kentucky. An office building's roof caved in in Memphis killing 3 office workers and a mall also in Memphis was severely damaged when the wall and roof collapsed in Sears. (i dont like Sears anyway

). A total of 100 injuries have been reported and the NWS will be assessing the damage and intensity of the tornadoes.
Based on the damage i saw on TV, some sturdy large houses were completely knocked off of their foundations and office bulidings were severely destroyed thus suggesting an EF5 may have caused this. Its only a speculation though!!
I just want to show my sympathy and supported to anyone who may have lost love ones in outbreak and/or lost everything in their path.