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Author Topic: 25 Coldest Cities in the United States  (Read 4011 times)

Offline Mr. Rainman

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25 Coldest Cities in the United States
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:48:57 PM »
A new article out today, and since winter is starting to make itself known, it seems more than appropriate to introduce this article. Presenting the 25 coldest cities across the entirety of the United States, according to The Daily Beast. Surprisingly, Alaska only took two spots, but one was the #1 spot. Otherwise, the Dakotas, Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, and portions of Vermont seized the majority of the spots.

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Re: 25 Coldest Cities in the United States
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 10:40:14 PM »
I don't necessarily agree with this article. For one, they titled it "America's 25 Coldest Cities", meaning that they would have to take the overall mean temperature for the whole year, not just for the winter, two, why did they use winter 2009 in particular for Fairbanks, AK, why didn't they just use the overall average winter temperature like they did with the rest? And three, if they were to use the overall mean temperature for winter, they would use December, January, and February because those are particularly the coldest months of the year and it's the official meteorological winter so I don't know why they included March in there for "warmest day". I just don't agree with the article. I wonder why Barrow, AK wasn't mentioned in there. I guess when they mean "city", the actually mean city because Barrow isn't a city. That's the only thing I could understand about this article. The article, for the most part is correct, I just don't like the way they did it.
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Re: 25 Coldest Cities in the United States
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 11:46:14 PM »
Since they don't cite any sources, I assume it's just their opinion.
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