*cc17926, if you're reading this, make sure you follow these updates below for a even reliable, better emulator*
1. LDL
Some of the Weatherscan XL Emulator videos have a Blue/Halloween LDL. Now in the present, the LDL option doesn't exist. The LDL is required in the future.
2. Blue scrolls
OK, so the blue scrolls (Regional Weather Roundup, Tabular State Forecast and Zone Forecast Product) aren't really that important and should be removed. They just scroll current weather conditions and other spam.
3. More segments
I know the Traffic Report and Outdoor Activity segments are there, but although they ARE there, I think we need more segments, like the Ski Report for the winter and the return of the Golf and Spanish forecasts...
4. Boat and Beach fix
Whenever I try to open the emulator with the Boat & Beach segment, it loads, then it opens an error message saying "File not found". Is there any point of fixing this?
That's ALL I need to know.