Now, I know that there is a bulletins page for watches/warnings/advisories, but is there currently, or could there easily be, a page that is inserted between each of the standard pages (local conditions, aviation, etc.) when there is an alert issued for the local area or that of which you choose? Perhaps there could be an option to either show a map of the area with the current alerts or show the bulletins page with the text of what is happening from the NWS. Maybe both? Just throwing it out there.
Is there any interest for storm reports? That may be an option to show.
Also, it's purely semantics but I was wondering, is it possible to add a space between the wind direction and wind speed, i.e. W15 to W 15 (on both the current conditions and regional observations)?
I was also wondering/hoping if/that the program would also remove or overwrite the images that are not being used and are old. Is this in the program? If not, could it be easily added?
I'm thoroughly enjoying the emulator and I appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating an excellent piece of programming!