I think its near impossible that they shut the site down since a few people complained about it on a forum. It goes deeper than that. No matter what Jeremy says

but its what he personally told me: [1/3/2009 9:03:51 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: so what started this madness
[1/3/2009 9:04:40 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: the changing the name and the new policy
[1/3/2009 9:06:08 PM] SilverStar 8 says: lol, I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not part of Bolt Weather. I'm not even staying part of the TWC "fan" community much longer. Everyone showed their true colors lately on the forums and the chat rooms, ect. So I've decided to just throw my hands up and let everyone spend their holiday break complaining about SS8 and Bolt Weather (which I'm not even a part of)
[1/3/2009 9:06:57 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: so who controls bolt
[1/3/2009 9:07:34 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: and what forums is where everyone;s doing this
[1/3/2009 9:07:44 PM] SilverStar 8 says: Andrew/Michael someone. They MIGHT have made an exception to the rules and let you still do the forecasting since I told them you had just bought that greenscreen, but I doubt that now.
[1/3/2009 9:07:47 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: im confused
[1/3/2009 9:08:27 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: micheal said no one under 15 and going green is a no go
[1/3/2009 9:08:56 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: and besides andrew jusy introduces and studders only micheal actually does the work
[1/3/2009 9:09:19 PM] SilverStar 8 says: Ok then. Well, seeing how, if you are confused about what is going on - and you start badmouthing everything before you know the facts - that is probably why they said no to anyone under 15.
[1/3/2009 9:09:59 PM] Joshua Stephens (Joshua87901) says: well they fired all beta testers i heard from chris
[1/3/2009 9:10:42 PM] SilverStar 8 says: They weren't exactly "fired" we just said no one under 15 can be a tester EXCEPT those that were already on the team.
[1/3/2009 9:11:59 PM] SilverStar 8 says: However, since everyone kept throwing a fit over SS8, I decided to just shut it down...myself. I wasn't forced to by TWC like a lot of people think. I went into the account manager and pressed DELETE myself.
[1/3/2009 9:12:35 PM] SilverStar 8 says: I still do greenscreen forecasts for my school, so I'm not out of forecasting the weather any.