I thought I might as well clarify some thing's for ya'll.
First off, no this project does not involve the WeatherSTAR 4000 emulator project in any way.
Secondly, As far as I am conserned, yes we do have autherisation to use Trammel's music. But Andrew made the call, so if you have any questions contact him.
Lastly, all the information in that newspaper report was provided by Andrew. I have no idea why he thought he thought he could provide false information about silverstar8.
In my opinion, Andrew should be removed from the team. I wish Jeremy would realise that Andrew is bringing down this so called project. But sadly, he hasn't known Andrew long enough to realise that he is an idiot.
Now that I have spoken my opinion, I will probably be removed from the team, Because Andrew will eventully read this post, and notify Jeremy about it.