I love how I can spend several years and several thousands of dollars to earn a qualification (Meteorologist) that a 12 year old can come online and pretend to be... what the hell...
Doesn’t this whole SS8 thing involve the WS4000 emu? Have they (Bill) accepted this “incorporation”?
I find it very hard to believe that Trammell gave rights to his TWC music, when I contacted him; I had asked him if he could possibly sell me the rights to any TWC songs, he said no as they were created for TWC, they are property of TWC, Trammell created them and sold them to TWC, however he did offer to create new music for me that was similar. So I think this whole “Trammell said we could” is a load of crap.
I had also filled a “complaint” (copyright issue) with the SS8 website a few months ago as TWC in regards to an image that was TWC’s (The whole SS8 Custom Radar screen or whatever was just a local TWC radar image). The image was removed a week later.
All of this is soo un-original. I mean, SilverStar 8 (Star?) (LOT8’s?) Comparing the NWS / TWC forecast, the SS8 maps are just a cross between the two… The text forecasts? NWS text forecasts with more grammatically correct verbs and pro-nouns…
This whole thing is the biggest load of …. Of… poop I’ve ever heard!
Edit: HAHA - What I really love is the image, below Andrew's picture, on the article that says:
