I agree 100% with your analysis, Martin. However, I am not merely disturbed by this story, I'm down-right pissed. I can't believe these "teachers" are b******* and moaning about having to contribute part of their paycheck to fund their benefits. The state is broke and almost all private-sector employees in America have to do the same. Get over it! As NJ governor Chris Christie said the other day, "if you wanna be mad at someone, be made at the succession of governors that came before me, lied to you, and said you could have these benefits without having a way to pay for them."
I was listening to Mark Levin last night on my way home. He was playing audio clips of some of the protesters. One woman had the audacity to compare their "fight" to the protesters in Egypt. Are you freaking kidding me!? You're being asked to partially pay for your health care and pension, and you think there's no difference between you and people living under a brutal dictator!? Wow. She really needs to read the book "Lori's Song." Although the woman in the book lived in Iran, it would give her a good idea of how lucky she is to be living in America.
The bottom line is that teachers should teach because they love teaching. Anyone that's in it for the money should find another line of work. Period.