Lansing is divided when it comes to tornado sirens. Most sirens that are in the downtown area or in the relatively close vicinity are Thunderbolts. Most of the suburbs <coughs> escapes from Lansing <coughs> are getting newer sirens, however. My guess is that these sirens are Federal Signal 2001s. Nevertheless, there is a different siren in Haslett, right behind the firehouse at the intersection of Haslett Rd and Okemos Roads. I think this one is the same siren Henry (Hen7713) has videos of on his channel. I will try to get videos soon.
I have videos of several sirens, the STL-10, P-50s, and P-15s.
Pretty much the whole Kenosha siren system is Consisted of Penetrators, which are P-15 and P-50s(lots of P-50s Yay!

) (and no those are not the whole Penetrator line, just the ones in Kenosha).