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Author Topic: Weather Dreams  (Read 4067 times)

Offline twcctornado77

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Weather Dreams
« on: July 29, 2011, 06:22:15 PM »
Do you have any dreams about weather?? If so, share them here. I have had several over the last few months. I once had a dream I was driving down I-77 to get to Charlotte, NC, and about halfway there, a tornado touched down next to me and- just as it touched down, the tornado split and the two vortices passed by either side of this house. Then the 2 vortices joined back together and lifted off the ground a few minutes after touching down.
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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 09:04:32 PM »
You bet I've had weather dreams. I have dreamed several different times, (a lot of times, actually) that I have been in a tornado. In one of them, I was storm chasing. If thought deeplt about them, I could give more details.
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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 08:04:23 AM »
During a time a few months ago, I started getting mixed feelings about becoming a meteorologist. I had several dreams that week weather related, and there was one that stick out the most in my mind. Here's how it went.

It was a bright, warm and humid sunny spring day at the beach with the friends and some family. In the dream I decided to not become a meteorologist and left it in the dust. I never followed weather and always went with it not knowing. While at the beach one day, everyone was oblivious to the storm brewing. Just across the lake was a supercell thunderstorm gathering strength. It began to march across the lake and before anyone knew what was happening, we we're pelted with large hail, blown away with 70+MPH winds. Then, it hit. An EF5 Tornado reached the area and caused total distruction. I was the only to survive, and showed me what could really happen if I didn't persue weather. It was one of the worst dreams I've had in a while and really was the decision maker for me. This was around the days after the SE Tornado outbreak April 27th. Needless to say, I woke up extremely scared, but thank God it was just a dream right?  :hmm:

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 08:28:22 AM »
Most dreams I've had that were weather related were about Tornadoes, Blizzards, and Floods, especially blizzards. I'm not sure if it's because I've never been through one or what, but for some reason they happen the most even when they have absolutely nothing to do with the dream! In one of my dreams we had a "Snowicane", I don't know what month it was, but it had to have been cold in order for it to change a tropical cyclone into a snow machine.

During a time a few months ago, I started getting mixed feelings about becoming a meteorologist. I had several dreams that week weather related, and there was one that stick out the most in my mind. Here's how it went.

It was a bright, warm and humid sunny spring day at the beach with the friends and some family. In the dream I decided to not become a meteorologist and left it in the dust. I never followed weather and always went with it not knowing. While at the beach one day, everyone was oblivious to the storm brewing. Just across the lake was a supercell thunderstorm gathering strength. It began to march across the lake and before anyone knew what was happening, we we're pelted with large hail, blown away with 70+MPH winds. Then, it hit. An EF5 Tornado reached the area and caused total distruction. I was the only to survive, and showed me what could really happen if I didn't persue weather. It was one of the worst dreams I've had in a while and really was the decision maker for me. This was around the days after the SE Tornado outbreak April 27th. Needless to say, I woke up extremely scared, but thank God it was just a dream right?  :hmm:

I've never had a tornado dream quite that extreme, but I did have one where it was that powerful, it had to have been to level our house. It's sketchy in my memory right now, but I don't remember there being any hail, rain, or lightning just the wind as a warning signal. I was barricaded in one part of our house while the rest of my family was barricaded in other parts and I once I got out I went to search for them. Pretty scary.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 08:33:58 AM by StuckonStoop-id »

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 10:48:59 AM »
I had a tsunami dream, but I don't know if that counts as weather or not.

Offline twcctornado77

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2011, 12:26:07 PM »
I also had a dream I was going through Greensboro, NC, and we stopped at someones house. It was a beautiful day. Not 10 minutes after we stopped, I look to my right and I see this HUGE supercell not too far away. The sky then turned a deep black, almost purple color, and I ran and told my friends to get out of there. We get in my car and start down I-40, with that huge supercell tailing us. It looked to be at least 60,000 feet tall. I looked out the window and I saw a wall cloud forming and very bright and vivid lightning. Needless to say, I woke up in a cold sweat.
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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2011, 12:33:03 PM »
I actually had a weather related dream last night...

So I dreamt that I was in Hurricane Katrina. I still lived in Southaven, but Southaven was a suburb of New Orleans, NOT Memphis. I remember dreaming that I was recording clips of the IntelliStar v3 (non-existant at the time of Katrina) with a 'Hurricane Local Statement' scrolling at the bottom of the screen. After the LF ended, I remember Bryan Norcross tracking the storm...but TWC was using their current Lower Thirds and Graphics (this was supposed to be based in 2005, mind you). I remember watching the clouds roll in. The funny thing was that there was never any wind or rain, even though the IntelliStar was reporting Heavy Rain and Windy Conditions. Another funny thing was that hardly no one evacuated. Everyone was outside looking at the clouds.

This dream was rather weird, since I remember the FULL dream and I know exactly what triggered the dream...I was up until 10 PM CT watching TWC's Hurricane Coverage on YouTube.


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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2011, 03:51:52 PM »
I've had quite a few weather dreams, but the one that stands out most is the following when I was about 12:

I was outside in my front yard, and a storm brewed on the horizon.  As it got dark and thunder began to rumble, a tornado literally touched down just yards away.  It then moved towards me, which sent me into a panic as I ran into my house.  I looked out my bedroom window and saw the tornado coming directly for me.  The roar was deafening, and I scrambled as far away as I could from the window.  Something suddenly exploded in the room, and I was knocked down to the floor.  I still tried to crawl on the floor towards safety, but the force was just too much.  When the tornado was about to suck me up into its vortex, I woke up.

When I woke up, I realized that I was lying on the floor about five feet away from my bed!  Somehow, I had fallen off my bed when the explosion occurred in my dream, but I was still only half awake after I hit the floor.  I literally crawled on the floor afterward as I was still in the dream.  Once I was fully awake, I got up and ran to my window.  I looked outside and thankfully saw a nice sunny day.  My dream was so vivid that it took me an hour to shake off the shivering and chills I had felt.

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2011, 04:03:24 PM »
I've had quite a few weather dreams, but the one that stands out most is the following when I was about 12:

I was outside in my front yard, and a storm brewed on the horizon.  As it got dark and thunder began to rumble, a tornado literally touched down just yards away.  It then moved towards me, which sent me into a panic as I ran into my house.  I looked out my bedroom window and saw the tornado coming directly for me.  The roar was deafening, and I scrambled as far away as I could from the window.  Something suddenly exploded in the room, and I was knocked down to the floor.  I still tried to crawl on the floor towards safety, but the force was just too much.  When the tornado was about to suck me up into its vortex, I woke up.

When I woke up, I realized that I was lying on the floor about five feet away from my bed!  Somehow, I had fallen off my bed when the explosion occurred in my dream, but I was still only half awake after I hit the floor.  I literally crawled on the floor afterward as I was still in the dream.  Once I was fully awake, I got up and ran to my window.  I looked outside and thankfully saw a nice sunny day.  My dream was so vivid that it took me an hour to shake off the shivering and chills I had felt.


I have another one. I had a dream I was coming back home from Tennessee, and just as I was coming into West Jefferson, NC, I see a HUGE supercell right in front of me, but it was heading east and away from me. That's all I remember of that one.
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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2011, 02:19:11 PM »
I had this morning...
Tornadoes were all over the place here, one hit my house while I was in bed asleep. I died for a few minutes and was in a huge white place... then someone came to me, it sounded like my grandma and said "Donovan, Donovan, Donovan (in a soft voice). Its not your time, go back, protect people from these things, do great things... I'll see you soon enough"
    That was a pretty cool dream, yet confusing! lol

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2011, 12:04:23 AM »
Mine is somewhat similar to Patrick's story. I remember it clear as daylight...

What happened (Reality, not a dream): It was about two years ago. I had recently visited Oklahoma (I have family down there) and got caught in a tornado warning around Tulsa. The tornado touched down under three miles or so from where I was. A town where we were planning on stopping for the night was demolished by this tornado (I'd guess it's an F3 or so). Obviously shocked, yet happy that we missed that exit, I didn't know what to think. Then about a week later this dream happened...

Dream: It was late July. A rather muggy summer day with a high around 90°. A little hot for Michigan's standard summer, but not out of the question. Off to my west over the Great Lakes, huge cumulonimbus clouds were brewing up. I turned the TV on, and sure enough there was a WeatherStar III scrolling a tornado watch. As I am the kind of guy who loves weather, my adrenaline started rushing as I was excited for this event. A few hours later,  the WeatherStar III started scrolling a tornado warning for my county... with the tornado over the MSU campus if I remember properly. When I looked out my window, the clouds were a greenish-yellow tint, especially to my west. I got in my car (Funny because I don't even own one yet, but I can dream :P ) and started driving west in hope of seeing the tornado. The tornado sirens started to go off around me and it started to hail, then to my east, I saw the tornado (I was parallel to it at the moment). I remember it ripping buildings apart and throwing buildings around like a child throwing toys around. The tornado started moving towards me with the notorious freight train sound. When it got about 50 yards away, I woke up and noticed that I sweat a puddle in my pillow :P Quite the dream like I said, and it sticks out.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 12:06:21 AM by curtjr4 »

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2012, 07:44:42 PM »
The other night I had a dream about snow, it wasn't anything extreme, but you know it's been a crappy winter if the only way you can see snow is to dream about it. :(

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2012, 12:03:01 AM »
Back in early 1998, I had this dream where I briefly stepped outside my home for some fresh air and next thing you know, I'm staring at a huge F-5 tornado. Went back inside and took cover after that.

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2012, 10:00:25 AM »
I had a dream last night that we would finally get a big snowstorm that would drop 1 foot of snow, and it would happen on a Sunday  :hmm:

Maybe next Sunday... <- Uploaded the most Intellistar 2 videos!
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Long Island, August-September 2012 tornadoes, Hurricane Sandy, Blizzard of 2013, how many places on Earth do you know can get all 3 of those events within a 6 month period?

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Re: Weather Dreams
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2012, 02:24:37 PM »
This thread has been inactive so I guess it's not really a double post. :hmm:

Last night I had dream about a repeat of the October 2011 nor'easter, except this time, in spring! :thrilled: We picked up about 2" of snow in my dream, compared to only 0.3" of what occurred during the Oct. 2011 snowstorm. I also was in school at the time of the storm. In my dream, I remember that all the local news meteorologists were going crazy at how it was going to be a record breaking storm, very similar to what the October nor'easter brought. The snow accumulated on the already fully leaved trees, causing many power outages. It was a pretty interesting dream. <- Uploaded the most Intellistar 2 videos!
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Long Island, August-September 2012 tornadoes, Hurricane Sandy, Blizzard of 2013, how many places on Earth do you know can get all 3 of those events within a 6 month period?