Here are some pics from the Lansing area:
Picture 1: This kind of stoplight is becoming more and more common about the area, mainly at intersections that are barely busy enough to have a stoplight.
Picture 2: This is what the one-way intersections look like (at right). These are mainly on US-127 or downtown.
Pictures 3 & 4: This is how the majority of stoplights that are placed at two way/one way intersections.
Pictures 5-7: This is a new stoplight that was put up downtown some time over the winter (believe it or not, this was the first time I have been downtown near the capital since December, lol)
Picture 8: The silver-arm stoplight like the one featured here has been put up at busy intersections, and has become commonplace at them around the Lansing area.
Picture 9: Featured here is a stoplight that is at several intersections around the area, but is a little less common.