Hello, everyone. I know that I haven't been around much, but I've recently moved to a new apartment in the same town to get better accommodations and try to make some changes to better my life. Unfortunately, the past months have been very difficult for me as I'm now fighting extreme depression.

It's been difficult seeing all my friends seemingly disappear at times whether it's in real life or here on this forum and that even other people I trust can't understand what I've been battling.

So, while I realize none of you can really help me out much, I'm asking for your thoughts and prayers during the next weeks as the holidays approach. Just finding happiness and hope in my life will be the best Christmas gift I could want this year. I apologize if my message sounds very deep and scary, but it's the sad truth I face now as I try to find help for myself. Please wish me luck, and you're welcome to send me any PMs if you wish to know more.