Regarding the battery, I feel your pain. For some reason, the one in my car goes out in only a years time or less. I would have thought something was wrong, but I took it in to the shop only to have them say everything was fine.
For me, January and February are just dull months. It's cold, classes start back up again, and there always seems to be an emptiness after the holiday season. Nothing to look forward to for awhile. I am hoping things will get better for everyone struggling with the winter blues come March. 
Andy, if you're still having trouble with your car battery, I would check your alternator as a car battery relies on the alternator to stay adequately charged. I just got back from a dealer's repair shop, which is the same place I bought my vehicle in 2012. The battery failed their test, which is quite sad as it was only 21 months old. Batteries are supposed to last at least four years. Fortunately, I have a 3-year bumper-to-bumper warranty that came with buying the vehicle. Since that battery was the original one sold to me, they replaced it with a new battery and checked everything all for free. It's a relief that this ordeal is over.
January gives me the post-holiday blues as well, but I've had a lot of bad luck and loneliness in this month over the past several years. February helps me a lot as it contains my birthday, which helps alleviate those issues.