Since I need to work early tomorrow morning, I want to take this moment and wish all of you a merry Christmas! I hope all of you stay safe and enjoy this precious time with friends and family. No matter how commercialized this holiday can be, that special time and what really matters in life are the real reasons for Christmas.
This Christmas is what I hope will end what has been a painful year for me as I have lost several family relatives and friends both online and in real life. I fear that I have lost several friends on this forum as well, and I am really sorry if I have offended or bothered you this year. For those of you who have stayed in touch and committed your friendship to me even when I have struggled to be a good person and friend this year, all I can say is thank you as it is the best gift you can give me. If you have not been in touch with me or have had concerns about me to where you did not feel like replying, I hope to hear from you someday and find out what I can do better. Thanks!