Which is more easier: Computer Science or Information Technology? I am not majoring in either fields but I thought it was food for thought anyways.
I personally did not find Computer Science very easy. It could have been my lack of interest. I ended up doing well in the course, but I'd never take another computer science class again.
Haha, I feel the same way.

I took the most basic Computer Science class last semester (programming for non-majors) and just didn't have much of an interest for it. But I was required to take it. The assignments we had were
very tedious and, IMO, too tedious for a non-major class.
Additionally, we programmed in C language, which most students claimed is a "dead" language. I am not sure if this is true or not; I've also heard from some where it is the easiest language to learn having no prior programming knowledge, so maybe that is the reason why.