I am kinda sad that Christmas is over. 
I'm not. The Christmas season to me means two months of non-stop work with customers screaming in my face about pretty much everything, physically pulling me to and fro, and operating under the impression that I will eventually crack and give into their every demand. (It hasn't happened yet!)
I'm sorry to hear that, Eric.

Christmas shopping is obviously a nightmare; I can't imagine what it would be like to work in those conditions.
I am just sad we're about enter that post-New Year's Day period. The time after the holidays just seems very dull to me. I can understand some debate here, but I enjoy the holiday season, so when there's a
long stretch without a true holiday, and when it's cold and usually dreary outside, it's just not fun. (And I would argue that Memorial Day is the next "true" holiday. Maybe MLK day could be counted, but certainly not Valentine's Day, and I hesitate to include Easter as well.)