For those of you majoring or majored in meteorology, did you take Chemistry and how useful was it for your major? My school requires 2 semesters of chem and a semester of biology which Im almost done completing once I finish my finals. I don't see much need for chem in this field besides measuring atmospheric pressure which I think is more physics oriented
I took one semester of gen Chem my freshman year of college (that's what OU requires for its met majors). Of course, I think that's the most popular gen-ed science class, so it was HUGE (300+ students). We have to take another semester of gen-ed science, but it doesn't have to be the second level of gen Chem (instead, it can be biology, geology, botany, etc.)
As far as Chem's usefulness: depending on how your college handles physics, you'll find that the first part of Physics 2 which deals with thermodynamics is actually somewhat of a repeat of what you learned in Chem (i.e. the ideal gas law, atmospheric pressure, etc.) However, things such as organic chemistry or drawing Lewis structures, probably aren't so important to a met major.
Again, I was required to take at least one semester of gen Chem, and it was an easy course for me, but if you don't take it, I don't think you'll be missing out on much. Hope that helps a little.