Here's my opinion on this matter, and I realize that I'm very different compared to everyone else here: I'm completely neutral on these SOPA and PIPA bills. I clearly see the point of stopping internet piracy, but there are definitely flaws on the approach and the lack of focus to carry out their intent. What I want to know is why are they suddenly a big deal anyway when we have so many larger issues in our country right now? We have many people still unemployed, an unprecedented debt problem, trouble with foreign countries, and a growing polarity and lack of trust in all citizens. Shouldn't these be the issues that we should be worried about right now?
It makes this whole debate on these laws and the protests with all these blackouts a huge waste of time and effort that we ought to be prioritizing to focus on solving these issues that will greatly affect all of us. We can take care of the internet piracy issue later when things are better and we have the time to make it a higher priority. Besides, I think England already has a case-by-case law that handles this issue quite well. So, I feel like we lost a day that we all could have done something far more productive than this debacle.